How far along? 30 weeks and 4 days
How big is baby? According to The Bump, 15.2-16.7 in. and 2.5-3.8 lbs; roughly the size of a squash.
Total weight gain/loss: Up 20 lbs. This number has now remained the same for 3+ weeks. FINALLY the weight gain has slowed down!
Sleep: Constantly sleepy. I think that comes from the fact that its hard for me to get comfortable for any length of time. Rolling over in bed takes tremendous effort, and is extremely painful. Plus, I am always too warm.
Best moment this week: Realizing how quickly August is going to fly by, and feeling stronger and stronger movements.
Movement: Very strong, and clearly noticeable from the outside. Its so strange to see my belly changing shape as he moves around!
Symptoms: What symptoms DON'T I have??
Symptoms I DON'T have: None that I can think of.
Food cravings: Lately its desserts of all kinds, which only adds to my growing shape.
Food aversions: Unfortunately, nothing.
Gender: Definitely a boy. Two ultrasounds have confirmed it!
Labor Signs: None, and I'd like to keep it that way for at least 6.5 more weeks!
Belly Button in or out? Still technically in. Its basically flush with the rest of my stomach. I thought for sure it would poke out, but now I'm thinking it may just stay this way for the remainder of this pregnancy,
What I miss: My ribs not hurting, being able to get comfortable, not wincing every time I get up to walk.
What I am looking forward to: Our childbirth class next weekend, followed by our first baby shower the weekend after. Then its off to Lake Chelan for 4 days, and then home for a baby shower the following weekend. And THEN, its September!!
Milestones: Getting closer and closer to being full-term, and checking little things off our to-do list.
The Ten Year Challenge
5 years ago
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