*NOTE: These next few posts (with dates as titles) were written on the day of the title's date, but I didn't want to publish them until after we had told all our friends/family. So, I'm playing catch-up for a little while!
I called the doctor's office yesterday morning to request to be sent to the lab for a blood draw to check my hCG levels. The last time Josh and I were pregnant (nearly two years ago!), and at the same point (4 weeks 3 days), my beta was barely 100. Two days later than number had dropped nearly in half.
We waited around all day and into the evening for a phone call with the results. I even called the office to see if they were ready yet. We were told it would probably be morning before they had anything for us.
Around 9:30AM today (Wednesday), TFPC called while I was on the phone with Josh. I quickly answered their call, and was told we are "definitely pregnant", with a beta of 337. That's three times as high as last time! We are still going back in tomorrow (Thursday) for another draw, and then have an appointment tomorrow evening with my PCP, Doug, to go over the results. Doug used to be the Team Doctor for Tumwater High School (Josh's alma mater), and Josh and Doug know each other very well.
We are keeping our fingers crossed for numbers of over 600 tomorrow night!
The Ten Year Challenge
5 years ago
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