I feel like I am turning a corner in my cooking. And boy, do I like it!
I have NEVER been someone to use spices, unless the recipe I am using specifically calls for it. I was scared of spices. Am I using too much? Too little? Do you flavors even go together?
Lately, however, I branched out. I am trying to use spices more often, in my normal, day-to-day cooking. Garlic is definitely my favorite thing to throw into dishes. I feel like its an easy way for me to break the proverbial ice. I'm learning how and when to spice things up, and which flavors go with what.
I have my eye on a new book, The Flavor Bible, and hope to purchase it soon. I think this will really help me to develop my confidence in my cooking. My other dream is to learn to cook more with ratios, with the help of this book. Not needing to rely on a recipe for every single thing I cook is a big goal of mine.
I feel like this year is going to be a big one for me, in many different ways. Stay tuned!
The Ten Year Challenge
4 years ago
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