Thursday, November 19, 2009

Unfinished Projects and a Hunting Trip

Josh, his uncle, and his 10-year-old cousin Jack left at 4:30 AM today to head to Wyoming!  They going on a big, week long hunting trip every year, and this is the first year that Jack has been able to go.  He was so excited!!  I made cookies last night for the boys to snack on, and Josh took my old point-and-shoot camera and my Garmin GPS with him.  Josh called around 8 AM, and said they made it to Ellensburg, but that they had a flat tire.  The tire place they went to didn't have the exact tire they needed, so they put a used, similar tire on that would allow them to make it to Moses Lake to get the right tire.  Guess what?  Moses Lake didn't have the right tire either!  So, they ended up with a comprable tire that will make it through their trip.  And, as of 12:30 PM, they were 20 minutes from the Montana border!  They are hoping to make it to Billings, MT tonight, sleep for a few hours in the truck, and then head to Hulett, WY.  This is the nearest town to where they will be hunting.  Hopefully, nothing else goes wrong along the way!!

My to-do list is growing.  Quickly.  I seem to have undertaken several projects lately, and have finished none of them. 
  • Reading 8 books at once.
  • Doing a Bible study
  • Doing 2 Christmas craft projects
  • Doing a Thanksgiving craft project
  • Editing photos from 2 separate occasions
  • Finding recipes for Thanksgiving and Christmas
  • School applications
  • Christmas shopping!
  • Working towards my fitness/weight loss goal
I feel as though I can't stay caught up on any of them!  With Josh being gone for a week, I'm hoping to finish at least some of them. I'll be posting later tonight on the progress of at least of my projects that I'm so excited to share with you!!

Goodbye for now,