Envy: a painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage
Jealousy: jealous resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself.
Resentment: the feeling of displeasure or indignation at some act, remark, person, etc., regarded as causing injury or insult.
I feel like a green-eyed monster. A humongous, ugly, green-eyed monster.
And the worst part is, I'm not even ready to feel bad about it yet.
I should be ready to overcome my feelings, pray to God for guidance on this issue, and move on.
But right now, I can't.
I am battling person demons right now, and this is my opportunity to lay them out on the table.
Someone I am familiar with right now has something I want. And that makes me envious.
And I know that sounds silly, to be devoting an entire blog post to coveting something someone else has.
But it isn't as if this person has a shiny pink bicycle, and I want one too. Its much more than that.
I truly want to be happy for this person. They are deserving of their gift, in every way. And if circumstances were different in my life, I would be able to rejoice in their happiness.
But right now, I can't.
When I first found out about this joy to be celebrated, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was shocked, speechless, and most of all, hurt. But I had no reason to be hurt. This wasn't done to be malicious to me; in fact, this gift of theirs doesn't even concern me!! I am in no way involved. So why should I feel as though I have been stabbed in the heart?
Maybe its because this person is getting what I want. Maybe its because the more details I find about this person's plans, the more it replicates the plans that I had. And why should I blame this person? Its not as though this person knew the details I planned out. But it still hurts. And some of the details are petty, insignificant, almost meaningless, in the big scheme of things. And so I should just let the feelings surrounding these go, and move on.
But right now, I can't.
So there I sit. Stewing. Boiling. Steaming. Fuming. And all around pouting.
I have pages flagged in some of my Catholicism/Christianity books regarding jealousy and envy. And I intend to read them at a later time. And spend some time reflecting on my feelings. And speaking with God, praying for forgiveness, and asking for the strength to get past this.
But right now, I can't.
The Ten Year Challenge
5 years ago