First off, I've been busy at school as always, working on my anatomy dissections, learning exercise physiology, studying different sports injuries, and attempting to understand physics. Emphasize the "attempting" part. So far, everything is good though. And only 9 short weeks left of the semester!!
Secondly, still working like normal. Nothing new there.
Third, as I am the Executive Secretary for the Associated Students of Saint Martin's University, I am the Director of Elections as well. Everything is finally starting to happen now, and our Senate elections are taking up all of my free time, and some of my not-so-free time. But, I love doing it, and tend to thrive on the pressure.
Along with my Senate position, I have the opportunity to help plan for the Health Center we are bringing to our campus this fall. Next year, I will serve as the student representative on the board overseeing and running this facility. Health care has become my passion over the last few years, and I am really looking forward to the opportunity to pour my heart and soul into something like this.
And, because of this position I hold, I had the opportunity to attend the Association of Non-Traditional Students in Higher Education National Conference this past weekend in Nashville, TN. I am considered a Non-Traditional students as SMU, because I transferred into the school with a degree already. This all-expense-paid trip took me to Nashville on Friday morning, and back late last night. I'll be sure to post pictures later tonight. My only mission while I was down there as to meet somebody famous. And as we entered the airport yesterday morning, I had given up hope of it happening. But my luck changed right as we passed through security! I saw a guy walk by, and thought he looked really similar to Trent Tomlinson ( I didn't want to approach him and have it NOT be him, so I convinced my friend to walk by him again with me to double check. We were doing the whole "I smile at him, he smiles back, I wink at him, he winks at me" thing, and I finally got the courage to go up to him. And it was him! We talked to him for a few minutes before he had to board his plane, and I got his autograph and a picture with him. Made for a very exciting day!